Project Operations

For companies that want more sophistication in their service delivery teams. Think of this managed service as an integral part of your PMO.

+$2,950 / per month

The problem

  • Customer projects are not delivered consistently
  • Statements of Work lack definition which impacts customer satisfaction and project profitability
  • Change requests and scope not well managed
  • Resources are under utilized
  • No visibility across projects
  • Not tracking risks, action items, issues, key decisions.
  • Customers are not held accountable
  • Project profitability is not being tracked
  • No confidence in ability to deliver projects as a fixed price
  • Difficult to train and onboard new resources
  • No visibility on backlog

How our Project Operations service will make an impact?

  • Consistent project delivery by using templated plans
  • Improved customer experience
  • Shortened onboarding time for new employees
  • Less dependence on a small number of senior team members
  • Increased utilization
  • Better visibility on backlogs
  • Visibility on project profitability
  • Increased revenue
  • Increased capacity to deliver on same size of team
  • Better visibility on current state of projects
  • More trust in data

What’s included with this Managed Service?

Project Template Maintenance

  • Create new project templates
  • Update existing templates with improvement suggestions


Classification Maintenance

  • Ensure classifications for projects, project tasks, and users stories


Project Hygiene

  • Projects have project managers, resource assignments, customer resources, accurate dates, classifications, and progress
  • Assign resources to tasks
  • Ensure resources are only assigned to active tasks
  • Ensure emails and appointments are tracked against projects
  • Ensure projects are setup to match the statement of work
  • Statement of Work attached as a document file


Time Sheet Tracking

  • Ensure time sheets are submitted for all required resources, on time
  • Track resource utilization identifying resources that need more work


Template Maintenance

  • Maintain project status report templates


Project Insights

  • Present backlog, resource utilization and planning, project profitability, task variance, and project variance.


This managed service requires TekStack modules

For this managed service we require TekStack Sales and Marketing Automation modules.  Unfortunately we can’t provide this service for customers using alternative platforms.

TekStack Delivery

Your Professional Services Automation platform that includes projects, resources, and time entry.

+$895 / per month

Learn more

Revenue Module

Generate services invoices from fixed price billing milestones or time entry.

+$400 / per month

Learn more

Okay, here’s the fine print


Pricing in US Dollars.  TekStack can provide pricing for CAD, GBP, EUR, and AUD.

Scope Included

Monthly price includes up to 20 project resources, or 40 active projects.  For 40 project resources, or 60 active projects, please add $1,000 per month.

Pricing Terms

Pricing based on annual term paid in advance.   Monthly pricing is available through our business partner Capchase on an annual term.  Just add 10%.  Payment by ACH, Wire, or Credit Card.  For Credit Card, add 4% processing fee.

Managed Services require TekStack Software

Our Managed Services offerings are designed to complement TekStack’s software platform.  Unfortunately these services are only available to TekStack software customers.  

Waive Implementation Fees

For customers that contract TekStack managed services, TekStack will waive one-time implementation fees of up to $5,000.